Diane Jorgenson on’Deal Or No Deal’ Monday – Click Here For Details
The wait is over as the farmer-grandmother, Diane Jorgenson, from
Ledyard, Iowa, returns to finish her game on Deal or No Deal on Monday,
May 4 at 7 p.m. on NBC. Host Howie Mandel and Diane Jorgenson end the
game with four of the top dollar amounts on the board. Her stage
supporters were Stacie Anderson, of Welcome, MN, Sue (Pirsig)Griese,
of, Lakota, Iowa, and Jamie (Blome) Woodburn, of Brooklyn Park, MN.
Tune in to see if she took a good deal or if her luck ran out.
Deal or No Deal will be airing new shows on Monday evenings in the
month of May on NBC. Commercials are now running showing Jorgenson as
the contestant on the Monday night show.