W’bago police investigating $50,000 theft
Winnebago police are making progress on a burglary that netted thieves $50,000 worth of items from a plumbing business.
Police Chief Bob Toland says the department’s three officers have worked on the case on and off.
He says officer Chris Vasvick is in charge of investigating the break-in that occurred late September at Kaduce Plumbing.
“We’ve been getting some leads lately and we’re following up on them,” says Toland.
Police incident reports show two break-ins occurred at the business located north of town on Highway 169.
The first burglary was reported at 10:35 a.m. on Sept. 22 and the second one at 7:30 a.m. the next day.
“It looked like they took a couple of items the first time and returned to clean everything out the next time,” Toland says.
An inventory lists 23 items were stolen, mostly tools ‘unique’ to the plumbing industry.
According to authorities, the east door was kicked in and tools were taken from various places in the shop. Copper in boxes and an unknown amount of 10-foot links of copper tubing also were reported missing. Toland says he expects charges will be filed against someone soon.
Faribault County Attorney Brian Roverud says he’s waiting for additional information before any charges can be filed.
“I’m working on it. They’re still investigating. I’ll have to wait and take it from there,” Roverud says.
When charges are filed, it likely will be third-degree burglary, which carries a maximum of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Anyone with any information may contact the Winnebago Police Department at (507) 893-3218.