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Lawson named 2009 ‘Woman of Achievement’

By Staff | Apr 27, 2009

Dottie Lawson

Dottie Lawson has been named Woman of Achievement for 2009 by Blue Earth’s Mitchell Chautauqua Circle. Lawson is involved in many aspects of Blue Earth Community Life.

Lawson attended Moorhead State College and later received a master’s degree from Mankato State College.

While teaching in Albert Lea, she met her husband. At the end of two years, they moved to Winnebago where she taught for 35 years. She enjoyed teaching elementary age students and working with friends and neighbors. Nineteen years later, she continues to hear from former students and their parents.

Today she lives in Blue Earth, where she cares for a lovely flower garden. Lawson is a member of the group which does volunteer tax preparation for low-income and elderly residents of Faribault County. She spent eight years on the BEA mentors’ Board where she was instrumental in fundraising and has been on the Blue Earth Concert Association Board. Participating in Readers Theater and hospital auxiliary are other activities that keep her involved.

Music is a real joy in her life. She plays in the Trinity Lutheran Bell Choir and in the church band where she is at the keyboard as they lead in special worship celebrations. Playing the piano, she says, is for pleasure.

Lawson is close to her daughter Kay, her sister Elaine, and a niece Louise who all live nearby. She also spends time many days with a friend who is recovering from a stroke. In addition, Lawson plays bridge and reads. She appreciates the services of the Blue Earth Community Library.

Lawson says that each place where she has lived has enriched her life, beginning with her birth on a farm near Chokio where she grew up in a family of eleven siblings, to schools where she has taught, and now in Blue Earth, where she continues to volunteer her time and talent wherever a need arises.

The public is invited to a luncheon honoring Dottie Lawson to be held at the Holy Family Center at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Blue Earth on Tuesday, May 5 at 12 p.m. A reservation may be made by sending a check for $12 to Elloyce Queensland, 315 N. Linton, Blue Earth, by April 27.