149th annual Fair adds extra day of fun

Fair Board President Daryl Murray stands by the new donation sign in front of the Gold Building at the fairgrounds in the photo at right. The sign is removable and is only going to be on display during the run of the fair. Various buildings which are on the fairgrounds are painted in full color on the sign, as well as a depiction of the carnival. One of the buildings on the sign is the famous round barn, which burned down a number of years ago. Murray says many fairgoers remember the barn, and, yes, it did host barn dances in the loft.
Known as ‘the great social event of the county,’ the 149th annual Faribault County Fair will run Tuesday through Sunday, July 21-26.
The fair board will host a new and different midway in 2009, Minnesota Magic Midway Inc., and have some exciting new events planned. These include free entertainment by the ‘Fast Horses’, Extreme Screen Events featuring Guitar Hero and a Rock Band Gamer on Friday and an outdoor movie Saturday at dusk. An old-fashioned basket social is also slated for Sunday.
The Hall of Arts will also be the site for a new department featuring amateur wine exhibits.
This year’s overall fair theme is “It’s all about time in 2009.” However, the fair board has selected individual themes for each day of the week.
Daily parking rates remain at $5, with week-long passes set at $15. All visitors over the age of six walking in will be charged a $3 entrance fee or season walk-in passes may be purchased for $5.
(The following is an overview of events taking place throughout the week. To see a full schedule, log on to www.faribaultcountyfair.com.)
Grandstand events
Special programs scheduled at the Grandstand include:
Tuesday-4-H Night in the Grandstand featuring a Fashion Review and a special performance of the Arts-In Skit at 6 p.m. 21st Annual Faribault County Fair Talent Contest begins at 8 p.m.
Wednesday-Draft Horse Pulling Contest presented by the Minnesota Horsepullers Association slated for 7 p.m.
Thursday-Supercross Racing presented by MotoKazie, Jordan. Back for the second year, one won’t want to miss this exciting, high-flying show of skill and endurance by professional and local racers.
Friday-St. Peter Rodeo is set to begin at 7 p.m. This is a full sanctioned rodeo featuring a variety of events.
Saturday-Antique Tractor Pull sponsored by the Faribault County Historical Society begins at 10 a.m. This will be a two-sled pull featuring farm stock and out of field tractors. At 7:30 p.m. the Faribault County Fair Demolition Derby will begin with R & R Total Destruction Promotions, LLC.
Sunday-I-90 Karting Speedway will be held beginning at 12 noon on the 1/8 mile oval dirt speedway. This is a Faribault County Fair Points Race.Tuesday, July 21
The Midwest Norwegian Fjord Horse Show kicks-off ‘family time’ at the fair on Tuesday, opening at 9 a.m. This is the 24th year for this popular event which actually begins on Monday and runs through Wednesday. It will involve 70 different competitions.
This is also 4-H livestock and open class entry day – with the market swine show Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. The board is encouraging pre-registration for all open class exhibits. This information may be found in the fair book or by logging on to the fair’s website.
The opening ceremony for the fair will be held 12:30 p.m. in ‘The Tent.’ By 5 p.m., the Minnesota Magic Midway will open at the fair bringing many rides for all ages.
Throughout the entire fair, ‘The Tent’ will be the venue for free entertainment. Lots of local talent will be featured.
Appearing Tuesday-Thursday will be ‘The Fast Horses.’ They are a Minnesota based Lakota (Native American) family who have been performing worldwide for over 10 years. Their programs educate people about the language and culture of Native Americans through humor, magic, audience participation, juggling, storytelling, costumes, fire, song and dance. They will also present two fire shows at dusk on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Wednesday, July 22
‘Senior Time’ begins at 8 a.m. with morning devotions in the Delavan West Lutheran Church at 11 a.m.
The Midwest Fjord Horse Show will conclude with the afternoon competition.
Other animal shows held throughout the day include the 4-H Swine Show at 8:30 a.m., the 4-H Open Class Rabbit Show at 2 p.m. and the 4-H Sheep Show at 5 p.m.
The Outstanding Senior Citizen Volunteer Program is scheduled for under ‘The Tent’ at 1:30 p.m.
An ugly sweater contest, as well as a salsa and chocolate recipe contest, will be held on the grounds from 5-7 p.m.
Thursday, July 23
Thursday’s theme centers around ‘recreation time.’
A professional flower show with ‘Peoples’ Choice’ judging will take place during the afternoon at the Horticulture Building.
A Kid’s Workshop, presented by Home Depot will be held in the Fair Activity Center from 2-3:30 p.m.
At 5:30 p.m., the D & S Kids Tractor Pedal Pull is scheduled.
A Wine Tasting and Dessert Contest will be held from 5-7 p.m. in Oldfather Hall. This is also the site for this year’s Beer Garden
In addition to the grandstand entertainment, Les Sasse, at the keyboard, will also be entertaining beneath ‘The Tent’ by playing old-time, 50s and 60s music beginning at 8 p.m.
Friday, July 24
The fair continues Friday with ‘time for agriculture.’
Animal shows will continue at 8:30 a.m. with the 4-H Horse Show at the outside horse arena.
A special awards program honoring farm and fair recipients will be held at 1 p.m. at ‘The Tent.’ This will be followed by the 4-H Buyer’s Meal at 5 p.m..
Two childrens’ barnyards will be open to see a variety of animals. From 12 noon until 10 p.m., Joah’s Ark will be open. The FFA Children’s Barnyard also will have its doors open to the public from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
A Kiddie Ag Parade will pass in front of the grandstand prior to the rodeo.New this year is Extreme Screen Events slated for Friday at ‘The Tent.’
A large 17 foot screen complete with a concert sound system and full array of stage lights and fog will make gaming with Guitar Hero and Rock Band a hit with the youth.
At the close of the evening, a raffle drawing will be held for two Guitar Hero Bundles as well as additional prizes.
Saturday, July 25
Saturday’s ‘go green time’ will feature something for everyone.
Among the scheduled activities are a cribbage tournament, Kids Old Maid card tournament and an old-time county fair scavenger hunt.
A Tae Kwon Do demonstration is scheduled for 4 p.m. followed at 5 p.m. by a Subway eating contest.
The ever popular demolition derby will be held this evening and the Extreme Screen Events will be on the grounds with their large 30 foot screen for movie viewing. Bring a lawn chair, blanket and the entire family to enjoy a movie under the stars, just like movie-goers in Faribault County used to enjoy.
As always, there will be plenty of good eats on the grounds to fit everyone’s taste.
Sunday, July 26
The final day of the fair is billed as ‘gear up for 2010.’ This will be the kick-off for next year’s 150th annual fair celebration.
The fair board wanted to highlight the fair as a social event of the county as well as being a big family event, therefore they opted to run the fair over the entire weekend.Keeping the church aspect of Sunday in the forefront, there will be an ecumenical church service held at ‘The Tent’ beginning at 11 a.m.
From 12:30-2:30 p.m. area performers will be playing a variety of christian music.
This afternoon will also feature a seed-spitting contest as well as the Basket Social. Any resident wishing to contribute a basket of food goodies that are non-perishable may bring them to the tent between 1:30 and 2 p.m. At 2:30, the auction of baskets will begin. It has been customary that after the basket is purchased, the owner and the buyer have lunch together. Auctioneer Marlin Krupp will be assisting with this financial kick-off which is a fundraiser for the 2010 Sesquicentennial Fair.