County asks why jail isn’t done
Several Faribault County commissioners, as well as the county sheriff, expressed frustration with the fact the new law enforcement center is not done.
Sheriff Mike Gormley told the board he still doesn’t have a firm completion and move-in date.
Gormley says the painting, new flooring and final cleanup still need to be completed.
“It is the painting that is holding us up,” Gormley says. “The flooring and the cleanup can’t be done until the painting is done.”
Gormley told the commissioners that the painting has been slow all through the project, with just one person usually working on it.
He added that he has scheduled a meeting with the owner of the painting company, to air his concerns.
“It just is not getting done, and it is not getting done right,” Gormley says.
“We talked about a June completion, and now July will soon be over,” Commissioner Tom Warmka says.
Gormley agrees.
“It needs to get wrapped up,” he says. “The original date was actually in May. Then it was June. We had planned to move in before Giant Days.”
County Auditor/Trea-surer John Thompson pointed out that the county is paying the project manager $7,000 per month until it is completed.
Commissioner Tom Loveall asked if there was a completion date in the contract, and whether the county had any recourse because of the delays. Thompson did not think there were any such clauses.
“There should be something we can do here, to get it done and get an ending date,” Loveall said.
Gormley said he would try and get an answer as to when his office can begin to move in, and when a public open house can be held.
In other business, the commissioners received a request for additional funds for the Drug Court program.
Director Beverly Snow was at the board meeting to give the commissioners an update on the program, and to report a budget shortfall this year.
“We are running $14,000 behind in our funding,” Snow said. The Fifth Judicial District has received $550,000 from the state, but it has not covered all of the expenses.
Snow said she divided the number of Drug Court participants according to which of the three participating counties they come from.
Faribault County has had eight of the 27 persons entered in Drug Court this year, so Snow asked the commissioners to cover $4,152 of the budget shortfall.
Commissioner Tom Warmka said the program saves the county many thousands in court and jail costs. Other commissioners agreed, and the item was added to the list for budget discussions coming up in August.
The commissioners also authorized County Engineer John McDonald to accept a bid for crushing material into gravel, at a cost of $193,830 for 100 ton of rock.
They also said OK to accepting a bid for an overlay of parts of County Road 2 and 19 at a cost of $688,230. It works out to $125,000 per mile for a bituminous overlay.
McDonald was also given the go-ahead to purchase road salt for next winter. The bid from Independence Salt of Kansas was at $69.45 per ton.