Fall Rally Day

Kay Sauck
“Each of us carries her stories just like a purse,” said Kay Sauck, guest speaker at Faribault County Extension Home Council’s Fall Rally Day on Sept. 17.
Sauck toasted the women present at Blue Earth’s Hamilton Hall, then proceeded to share her personal and business background.
A Truman native, she graduated from Augsburg College in Minneapolis with a BA in communications and a minor in political science. Following graduation, she returned home to Truman waiting on a job offer in the cities. But rather than take the job, she started her first business. Sauck Media Group has grown over the years and now publishes Womeninc, Caregiving in America and MN Rivers magazines which will make its debut in 2010.
Speaking from personal experience, Sauck told of the challenges she has faced through the years.
“You always have your ups and downs, but God sees you through them,” she said, before again toasting everyone in attendance and encouraging them to share their stories so others can learn from them.
Sauck served as the motivational speaker for this year’s Fall Rally Day or kick-off for the Faribault County Home Study Group Program for 2009-2010.
The local Extension Home Study Group is a part of the University of Minnesota Extension Service program. The goal for the organization, which works in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U. of M. and the county, is to provide an education for adults where they live.
To read more of this story, see this week’s Register.