Long lines at BE H1N1 flu clinic

Long lines, crying children and happy parents are commonplace at H1N1 vaccine clinics across the country.
The scene was no different late Monday afternoon in Blue Earth
Despite temperatures in the mid-40s, parents with young children stood in line outside the west door of the Faribault County Courthouse Annex leading to the Extension Meeting Room.
They were there for the H1N1 vaccine clinic coordinated by Human Services of Faribault and Martin Counties Public Health from 5-6:30 p.m.
“I’m very pleased with the response. I didn’t know what to expect,” says Carmen Reckard, community health manager for Faribault and Martin counties.
Actually, county health officials had planned more people would take advantage of getting the vaccination — which was administered free of charge.
Pregnant women and children ages 6 months through 4 years old were the focus groups receiving the vaccine.
“We’re happy we had enough vaccine for everybody that wanted it.” says Reckard.
Darci and Gerald Trebil of Blue Earth waited in line for about 15 minutes so their three children — ages 4, 3 and 1 1/2 — could be vaccinated.
Darci says because their children attend pre-school she and her husband didn’t want to take any chances.
“There really is no doubt they will likely be exposed to it (H1N1). We just want to be safe,” she says.
To read more of this story, see this week’s Register.