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Wells council adds to investigation

By Staff | Nov 30, 2009

In closed-session Monday night, the Wells City Council decided the firm it has hired also will investigate a complaint filed against a police officer.

More than three weeks ago, council members at a special meeting voted to retain the services of Setter & Associates to look into allegations against a street department employee.

Mayor Shannon Savick says certain steps had to be followed before turning the police matter over to the investigative firm.

“When the county sheriff’s department said they didn’t want to do the investigation we went to the state Post Board,” she says. “We were told they could do it or Setter could. Since the interviews in the cases will overlap, we decided to have Setter do it.”

Savick would not discuss the nature of the allegations that have been made.

City Attorney David Frundt says the information regarding the complaints cannot be made public because it falls under the Data Practices Act.

According to council minutes, Frundt, Police Chief Jim Ratelle and Street Supervisor Rick LaVallie also attended the Nov. 6 meeting.

The investigation is estimated to cost between $4,000 and $8,000.

City officials have been told the investigation will take four to five days to complete.

The council also was updated on a claim filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Savick says a former employee has filed a discrimination suit against the city.

Again, details of the case may not be released because of the Data Practices Act.