BEA board ponders snow days

Dale Brandsoy
With Blue Earth Area Schools called off six times due to snowstorms so far this year – including twice last week – the school’s administration is trying to figure out how – and when – to make them up.
“We have three snow days built into the school calendar,” Superintendent Dale Brandsoy told the BEA board on Thursday night. “That means we have three to make up.”
One of those was made up last Friday, Feb. 12. Another one, the school board decided, will be made up on Friday, April 12.
“That is Good Friday,’ Brandsoy says. “I checked with the ministerial association and they gave us their ‘blessing’ to go ahead with that day. They understand what we are up against here.“
Brandsoy says any student who needs to leave school early to attend church services that day will be excused, with a note from the parents.
The third snow day is yet to be determined, Brandsoy adds.
“Some schools in the state are looking at adding an hour a day, or going on Saturdays to make up their days,” he says. “I don’t want to do that.”
To read more of this story, see this week’s Register.