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Doctor leaving hospital

By Staff | Jul 29, 2012

United Hospital District in Blue Earth can add a general surgeon to its list of physician vacancies to fill.

Dr. Frederick Foss has notified UHD officials he plans to resign effective Oct. 12.

The news of his departure last week came when administrator Jeff Lang was out of state.

Chief nursing officer Cande Arends says Lang will comment on Foss’ departure when he returns.

Foss did not return phone calls from the Register for comment.

UHD board chairman Dennis Zitnak says he met with Lang and was told Foss was giving the district a 90-day notice that he was leaving.

“I was told it was for personal reasons and not anything to do with the hospital,” Zitnak says.

At least two hospital board members say they did not receive any e-mail from Lang notifying them that Foss was leaving.

Foss began his surgery practice in June 2011, replacing Dr. William Lee. He also saw patients once a week at UHD’s clinic in Wells.

Foss was practicing medicine in Boise, Idaho, before coming to Blue Earth.

Zitnak says he has no reason to believe Foss was not happy while at UHD.

“As far as I know he was satisfied with the surgery department and quality of care we provide here,” he adds.

Currently, UHD officials the past several months have been in the process of hiring a family medicine practioneer. A Dallas-based recruiter has been assisting in the search.

Zitnak says a doctor will be making a visit soon and interview for the position.

He says locum tenens will be used to handle Foss’ workload until someone is hired.

“I hate to have anybody leave, but that’s the way it’s been here,” says Zitnak.

“We’ve been down this road before. That’s just the way it is. We do everything to try and keep our doctors here,” he adds.