He’s the perfect student
Everyone has experienced a day (or more) when they don’t feel like going to school. Either they are sick, or they aren’t prepared for a test or project, or maybe they just need a break.
Everyone has experienced this.
Except Andrew Lunberry of Winnebago.
Throughout his school career, he never missed a day of class.
For kindergarten through the seventh grade, Lunberry attended Covenant Life School in Wells, and then he finished out high school at Blue Earth Area High School.
It wasn’t just a happy coincidence that he attended school every day. It was a goal. But there were instances that ended up in his favor.
For example, when the chicken pox hit Lunberry it was the day after school let out on the last day before Easter break.
So, he was sick the entire vacation, but he never missed a day of school.
Once he was in high school, Lunberry was even more determined to meet his goal of showing up for school every day.
“It was high school, so I figured I should be there,”?says Lunberry.
With the block schedule setup for classes, missing one class could set a student back quite a pace behind the rest of the students.
His father Rick was one person who inspired this attendance streak.
“His dad has 13 years of perfect attendance at Crown Tonka,” says Cathy, Lunberry’s mom.
She adds, “I called in sick to school a few times when I was his age, but he stuck with it.”
Cathy would schedule dentist appointments and other necessities for days Lunberry already had off so it wouldn’t interfere with his school day.
Now, Lunberry wasn’t exactly Superman. He did get the sniffles now and again, but he made sure he got to school.
“I?(usually) get sick once during the winter,” says Lunberry. “But, it usually happens over the weekend.”
On days that he felt under the weather at the beginning, his mom would tell him to give her a call if it got to a point where he couldn’t get through the day, but it never reached that point for Lunberry.
He also has perfect attendance for his job.
For about four years he delivered for Home Magazine and has now been delivering the Register for one year.
To honor his perfect attendance at school, at the graduation ceremony, he was called to stage to receive an award outlining his perfect attendance record.
“His dad was shouting, ‘That’s my boy!'” recalls Cathy.
“I heard my name being called and I didn’t know what was going to happen,” says Lunberry.
He was unaware of the award beforehand.
“It was a tense day,” says Lunberry, “and then to have the principal call my name. I didn’t know what to expect.”
Once he knew what was happening, Lunberry says, “I was thrilled.”
“I’m really proud of my son,” says Cathy. “Rick is too. I’m glad they recognized him for this.”
Now that he’s graduated, Lunberry is planning to attend South Central Community College in Mankato for culinary arts.
He will continue to strive for perfect attendance.