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USC’s AAA winners say balance is everything

By Staff | Feb 17, 2019

Busy bees at USC! Both Joe Bushlack and Raven Suhr are involved in so many activities, both admit it is hard to keep it all balanced. But, with a positive attitude and a supportive school community, these two have shown what students can do when they put their minds to it. Both seniors have been awarded the Triple A award in their school.

Joe Bushlack and Raven Suhr have been named United South Central’s Triple A Award winners.

Bushlack is the son of Chris and Betsy Bushlack of Matawan. He is the brother of Ethan, Alix and Zale. Bushlack says he will be joining the United States Air Force after he graduates from USC and then will continue his higher education afterwards.

His list of activities include baseball, clay target league, concert and marching band, FFA, National Honor Society, Knowledge Bowl, Mock Trial, as well as student government.

“I have a hard time remembering all of the activities I’m in sometimes,” laughs Bushlack. “So, if I left anything out, I apologize ahead of time.”

Suhr is from Kiester, and is the daughter of Adam and Stacy Suhr. She also has two brothers, Austin and Taige.

As for Suhr, she will be attending Riverland Community College after she graduates from USC.

She is a member of the FFA, the local 4-H chapter, band, choir, basketball, volleyball, and softball, as well as National Honor Society, will be in the next USC school play, and is also the student representative on the USC School Board.

When asked what her favorite class or teacher was, Suhr said it was a tough decision.

“I really like advanced biology,” she says. “And my favorite teacher is Mr. Dylla, our FFA advisor.”

“Me too,” stated Bushlack, who stated his favorite class is band.

Both students agreed that getting their state FFA degree was the highlight of their high school career. Both have stated they are interested in getting their American FFA degree, which requires them to be college-level students.

Suhr also shared she appreciates the milestone of becoming USC’s student representative on the School Board. She says she feels it is important for students to have a say in what goes on at every level of the school, including the School Board.

“The board members are really nice and helpful, too,” she says.

When it comes to advice to fellow students who are working on balancing their academics, arts, and athletics, both Bushlack and Suhr share their sage advice.

“Never put things off,” says Bushlack. “I’ve procrastinated before and it is always way more work to try and catch up than it is when you plan it out ahead and stay on top of things. Trust me on this one.”

“Try to find things that work for you,” says Suhr. “Find your own path, what you enjoy, and what you get the most out of. That way, you get to enjoy everything that you are doing, rather than stress about it, or not feel 100 percent committed to it.”