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Filing time for local offices ends Aug. 13

By Chuck Hunt - Editor | Aug 4, 2024

Anyone who is interested in running for local government offices should take notice that the time for filing is now open.

The filing period for local offices such as city councils and school boards opened last Tuesday, July 30, and will close on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 5 p.m.

People who are interested in signing up to serve on the boards or councils and to have their names placed on the General Election Ballot set for Nov. 5, can do so at their local city hall or school district office.

There are several seats on all of the governmental bodies that are open.

In Blue Earth, for instance, the terms of mayor Rick Scholtes and council members John Huisman, Stephanie Walter and Mike McNerney are up.

In Wells, the positions of mayor David Braun and council members Brenda Weber and Nancy Kruger are the ones that are open.

Winnebago mayor Jean Anderson and council members Chris Anderson and Tony O’Donnell have their terms up.

In Delavan the positions currently held by mayor Dan Haugh and city council members Dave Gayden, Max Abdo, (both 4-year terms, and Chris Kruse (2-year term) are open.

Minnesota Lake mayor Jeff Ramsley and council members Edie More and Rob Stencel are the open positions.

In Easton, the terms of mayor Barb Stiernagle and council members Elijah Lippert and Tony Stevermer are the open ones.

Kiester mayor Hope Bauman and council members Kent Grobe and Brandon Hagenson have their terms up and the positions are open for filing.

In Elmore, the position of mayor Clara Veriede and council positions of Elton Rhoda and Sue Dickson (4-year terms) and Betty Myhron (2-year term) are all open.

In Frost, mayor Bob Loge and council members Lee Lincoln, Matt Gullord (4-year) and John Oswald (2 year) terms are up.

There are three members of the Blue Earth Area and United South Central school boards who have terms that are up and the positions will be on the ballot.

At USC those school board members are Mike Schrader, Brad Heggen and Chris Lutteke. At BEA those members are Lindsey Mensing, Jeff Eckles and Ted Armon.