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Muir Library receives a large grant

EDA gets updates on more possible grants

By Kevin Mertens - Staff Writer | Jan 12, 2025

Amanda Johnson, left, and Lee Hodges, right, raise their hands while being sworn into office for the Winnebago EDA Board by city administrator Judi Hynes at the Winnebago EDA meeting on Jan. 8.

The Winnebago Economic Development Authority had their initial meeting of 2025 on Wednesday night, Jan. 8. The first item of business was administering the oath of office to returning board members Amanda Johnson, Lee Hodges and Johnathon Hynes.

EDA specialist Dave Schmidt announced that the Muir Library had been awarded a grant for $43,000 from the United States Department of Agriculture.

“A representative of the USDA was here for an inspection and informed us that the money should be released very soon,” Schmidt said. “The grant will be used to make the front entrance, the bathroom and the hall way leading to the back room all handicap accessible.”

The grant for the library is just one of the grants the EDA has been working on.

Schmidt shared he also helped the owners of the new school, P .D. Solutions, apply for a Minnesota Department of Education Facilities Grant with the hopes of bringing some vocational type of educational opportunities to the school.

“We could receive up to half a million dollars or we might get something like $20,000,” Schmidt said.

Marketplace Foods is another business hoping to receive some grant money.

“The grant we are applying for would help the grocery store replace lighting with the aim of reducing energy costs,” Schmidt commented.

An update on the Blandin Foundation Grant revealed that in addition to the two grants which were approved in December, two more are waiting for approval and applications for the grants, which helps home owners rehabilitate their houses, continue to be picked up from City Hall.

During a review of the financial reports, Schmidt noted two residential loans were currently past due.

“However, their remaining principal balances are quite low,” Schmidt added. “The remaining principal balance on the one loan is $191.73 and the remaining balance on the other one is $279.61.”

Schmidt also reported that two EDA loans were paid in full at the end of the year.

“Jessica Schonborn and The Buzz Stop have each paid off their loans,” Schmidt said.

A lengthy discussion was held on how to make the city’s Main Street more attractive. One of the goals for the EDA for this year is to help current business/building owners prevent their buildings from deteriorating.

One idea presented was to wrap the vacant store windows in vinyl wraps of old movie scenes.

“I will have to check into the legality of that,” Schmidt said. “It would be unique and might be one way to get people to stop and explore our Main Street.”

There was no news on the possibility of a restaurant opening in town but there has been talk of someone looking for a storefront for a bakery, which was an idea that everybody at the meeting loved.

The winner of the Business Spotlight Award was the Muir Library.

“With as cold as it has been outside,” Schmidt said. “It is a good time to go to the library to get a book to read.”

The Winnebago EDA’s next meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 5 p.m. at City Hall.