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Werners to celebrate 70th anniversary later this year

It was 20 degrees below zero on their wedding day in 1955

By Kevin Mertens - Staff Writer | Jan 19, 2025

Robert and Janet Werner will celebrate their 70th anniversary this coming December 10. It was so cold the day of their wedding that some of the guests who attended the nuptials were unable to start their car when they were ready to go home. Lucky for Robert and Janet, their car did start that night.

Robert and Janet (Martin) Werner will always remember the weather when they think back to their wedding day on Dec. 10, 1955.

“It was bitterly cold,” Janet recalls. “The temperature (not including the windchill) was a negative 20 degrees.”

Their wedding ceremony, which was held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Emerald Township, began at 7 p.m. and was followed by a reception in the church basement.

“By the time the reception was over some people were unable to get their vehicles started,” Robert says. “But, our 1955 black and white Oldsmobile started.”

The couple share they did not go on a honeymoon right away. Instead, they spent their wedding night at a motel in Fairmont.

Robert and Janet met each other in the very church they were married in.

“He went to school in Delavan and I went to Blue Earth,” Janet shares. “He’s about three and a half years older than me, but we were in our church youth group and church plays together.”

Robert grew up in Barber Township and has lived most of his life there. Janet’s family lived in Kiester before eventually settling on a farm in Barber Township.

“We dated for two or three years and were engaged for one year,” Janet comments.

“I believe I bought her engagement ring in Mankato,” Robert adds.

The couple share it was not a big event when Robert popped the question to Janet.

“We were just on a date,” Janet notes. “We either went to a movie or we had gone dancing when he proposed.”

Robert and Janet reminisce that going dancing was quite a popular thing to do back in the fifties.

“My parents danced until my mom was no longer able,” Janet comments. “Then I would dance the old-time polka with my dad.”

“We loved to go dancing at Interlaken,” Janet says. “There was quite a group of people who would go dancing. During the warmer months there was a row of carnival booths outside. It was a lot of fun.”

In fact, they enjoyed Interlaken so much that their wedding dance was held there one week after their wedding.

When they went on their honeymoon, they chose to go south where it was warmer.

“We went to Fort Lauderdale, Florida,” Janet shares.

Robert remarks they almost didn’t come back.

“While we were in Florida someone offered me a job in construction,” he explains. “The guy said stay here, we need help.”

But, they came back to Minnesota.

“Maybe we should have stayed in Florida,” Robert laughs.

The couple lived the first few months of their marriage in Blue Earth – house-sitting for a relative.

Then Janet’s father, Lester, bought a farm in Waseca County with plans to expand his farming operation so Robert and Janet moved to the newly-purchased farm.

“But then my dad suffered a cerebral brain hemorrhage,” Janet says. “He survived but was told to give up farming and we ended up coming back and settling on a farm in Barber Township.”

Robert states that besides being able to still go to the church they both grew up in, there was another reason they chose to live where they did.

“Janet really wanted our children to grow up in the Blue Earth School system,” he comments.

Robert farmed for a number of years until 1983 when his two oldest sons, Greg and Laron, wanted to take over and operate the farm.

However, the couple wasn’t ready to quit working and Robert got a job at Central Graphics where he did a little bit of everything during the 24 years he was employed there.

“I did maintenance work, put books together and drove truck delivering papers,” he recalls. “One of the places I delivered to was in Wisconsin and was a 16-hour round trip.”

Meanwhile, Janet began working at St. Luke’s Lutheran Home in Blue Earth and worked there for 28 years.

“I really enjoyed the residents,” she shares. “I met a lot of nice people while I worked there.”

The couple will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary this coming December and feel they have much to be thankful for, starting with their family.

Robert and Janet have five children. They are, from oldest to youngest, Greg, Laron, Randy, Sharla and Janice.

“We have 10 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren with No. 18 on the way,” Janet says. “Our family is close and we do a lot of summer events. During the Christmas season we had a get together and everyone was there, all 44 of us.”

Robert and Janet plan to keep on living on their farm as long as they can.

“I really enjoy the open space we have living in the country. I really do not want to move to town,” Janet states. “Robert still mows the lawn and our family is willing to help out whenever we need it.”

When asked if there is a secret for staying together for so long, Janet doesn’t hesitate to answer.

“I took my marriage vows to heart,” she says. “There is a lot that goes into those vows. We have had a lot of good times and have been blessed with a wonderful family. That is something to be thankful for.”