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Putting in my two cents worth

By Staff | Jul 15, 2012

Nobody asked me, but here is my two cents worth anyway.

This issue of the Faribault County Register is chock full of news and photos. Imagine that, there is news in this newspaper.

Here are some of my comments about what is going on behind the headlines in this week’s paper.

The story of the United Hospital District (UHD) board considering changing its management structure does actually mean the name of the hospital would change.

After all, if they would no longer be a united hospital district, then they certainly would not have the name United Hospital District.

While there may be many reasons (financial, regulatory, reimbursements, recruitment, etc.) to change from being a district hospital, there is certainly at least one biggie reason not to.

Currently UHD is a public hospital, operating as a governmental unit.

Their board of directors are elected by the public, much like school board members or county commissioners.

If they became a private, non-profit, they would no longer be a public entity. Their board members would no longer be elected.

Among other things, that would mean they would no longer be subject to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law and their meetings may no longer be open to the public or the Faribault County Register.

We would then no longer be able to inform our readers of everything going on with the operations of the local hospital. And, that would be a shame.

While I applaud the Kiester City Council for their efforts to try and keep a grocery store operating in the town, the whole deal seems a little ‘messy.’

That is not too surprising when a business closes its doors and owes money to several entities.

I hope the council can find a way to get the store back in operation soon.

Kiester is a great little town, with nice homes and a decent main street. It sure needs a grocery store to anchor that business district and to serve the community’s residents.

The Wells City Council will have to devote time and energy to finding a new city administrator with the resignation of Jeremy Germann from the position.

This is not the first time Germann has resigned from the post, but this time it appears permanent.

Last time the council threw more money at him and he stayed at least for a while.

Giving someone a big bump in pay doesn’t guarantee they will stay forever. Just look at professional athletes for a good example.

There was a definite split in opinions by the public attending the first of a series of informational meetings concerning the USC School District proposal to build a new school building.

While it is easy to sit on the sidelines and say the plan to build new instead of remodeling the old building seems to make a lot of sense, it is different to actually be someone who is going to help foot the bill. This will mean an increase in local taxes, which always causes some big concerns.

I have a feeling that the vote this fall will be just as split down the middle as the opinions expressed at last week’s meeting.

Emotions were also running high at a public meeting concerning the Highway 169 reconstruction project slated for next summer.

I can’t blame the business owners along the route for having major concerns. After all, the main thoroughfare to their places of business is going to be torn up all summer. That can have a devastating effect.

But, the bottom line is that the project is going to happen and there is no way around it. Businesses and residents are going to have to be prepared to deal with it as best they can.

As I said in last week’s column, it isn’t going to be pretty when it happens, but it will be very nice when it is done.

Last, but not least, the pictures of the weekend’s performances by the Blue Earth Town and Country Players don’t do it justice.

Joseph’s coat of many colors wasn’t the only amazing thing on the stage of the BEA Performing Arts Center. The cast did an astounding job, from the lead roles on down.

This is a true musical, with continuous music from the opening of the first act to the grand finale. There is no dialogue, so the singing has to be good.

And, it was terrific.

Congratulations to all involved on a job very well done. It was great entertainment from beginning to end. And, if you didn’t get to one of the performances, you really missed out and I have just one question for you.
