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Giving credit where credit is due

By Staff | Apr 15, 2018

Back by popular demand (well, at least one reader commented they thought the cheers were OK but I should leave out the jeering), here is another round of Cheers and Jeers.

Cheers to all of those folks and groups involved in getting the new Blue Earth Chamber of Commerce building to be a reality. With the ground breaking ceremony last Wednesday, the project is now officially underway. Construction will soon be starting (weather permitting) with a completion date in August.

It has taken a lot of effort by the Chamber of Commerce board, the Convention & Visitors Bureau board, the city of Blue Earth and all three groups joint Building Committee. And, of course, Chamber executive director Cindy Lyon.

There are plenty of others involved as well, and at the risk of missing someone, I won’t try and name them. Let’s just say it has been a group effort and everyone who has helped in any way deserves credit and a thank you.

With the help of many donors giving large and small gifts, plus a grant from the State of Minnesota, and a big commitment from the city of Blue Earth itself, this million dollar deal is going to happen.

When it is done it will be a showcase of hospitality, welcoming visitors to Blue Earth, as well as the rest of Faribault County. The design plans show a very nice looking building on the outside, and a wonderful look on the inside.

Something to be proud of.

It will be interesting to watch it being constructed this summer. It will also be interesting to have our thousands of visitors who stop to see the Giant each year all ask, “What the heck is going on here?”

Something Giant, Cindy Lyon will tell them, I’m sure.

Jeers to our old pals Mother Nature and Father Winter who are just plain being nasty this year.

Oh sure, we love to whine, complain or boast about the cold winter weather here in the Bold North. And it often snows in Minnesota in April. But this is getting ridiculous.

I believe I read where this is the coldest first week of April in Minnesota ever. Or at least since 1936. And here in Faribault County at least, it seems to snow every three or four days, or at least once a week.

Last year at this time we were all gardening, camping, golfing, raking the yard and enjoying spring. This year the high school spring sports teams are wondering if they are ever going to get to play. There is going to be a whole lot of makeup and double-header games coming up here sometime in the future. After all, it does have to stop being winter sometime, doesn’t it?

Last week it was slightly nice on Thursday with a statewide tornado drill, then thunderstorms on Thursday night and Friday morning, and a howling blizzard predicted for Saturday. Welcome to mid-April in Minnesota.

Cheers to those pet owners who register their animals with the city, get the proper license, and who keep their dogs leashed or inside a fence and never let them run loose.They also clean up after their pet when out for a walk.

And jeers to those who don’t.

While Blue Earth doesn’t have a lot of dogs running loose, it only takes a few to spoil it for those who walk, jog or bike around town. Or who mow their Main Street boulevard and find little “treats” left behind.

Cheers to Pastor Victor Vriesen who will be celebrating his 90th birthday next month. He is still doing more work in retirement than many of us have done at our regular jobs.

What he does is not easy. In fact, it can be emotionally draining. Think about it. He counsels, comforts and helps people at some of the most trying times of their lives. At the hospital he works with people who are sick or injured. As the hospice chaplain he helps those who are facing their own death, as well as consoling their families. And, at the Adolescent Treatment Center he deals with youth who have been alcohol and drug abusers.

Some of the stories he shares (without names, of course) are gut-wrenching and heart-breaking.

Vriesen is an amazing man.

Cheers to everyone who takes time to help out their neighbors and friends who need a boost.

To everyone who plans a benefit event, like the one held in Frost last week for the Christensen family, or who attends one of these benefits, thanks for helping out others.

It seems there are many of the folks in Faribault County who need a helping hand, and it is wonderful that there are other folks here willing to extend that helping hand.

Thanks to all the folks who care.