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Nobody asked me, but here is my two-cents worth, just cause

By Chuck Hunt - Editor | Dec 3, 2023

This week I’m going to use this spot to do a little ranting and a bit of promoting. Because, there are a couple of things I just have to get off my chest.

Those men in purple –

Let’s begin with the elephant in the room. Those dad-blasted Minnesota Vikings. As I have said before, it is not easy being a Vikings fan, and it is certainly not for the faint of heart, because they are definitely heart breakers.

What do I mean by that?

Well, when several of their star, starting players went out with injuries, we fans figured the season, which was already tanking, was essentially going to be over and we were ready to give up all hope.

But hope came back a flicker at a time, when an unknown quarterback and some substitute players we had not heard of, and a defense that suddenly figured out how to play, all gave us our hope back and gave us something to get excited about.

But during these last two games, reality has slapped us fans right upside the head.

In the first game the Vikings had more than a chance to win, they should have won. But they blew it and lost by one point to Denver. Last week they really looked pathetic and could not beat the even more pathetic Chicago Bears. In fact, they appeared to just exhibit some Minnesota Nice, felt sorry for the poor Bears and let them win.

And it was not just the players. Towards the end of the game the offensive coaches decided to just try and run up the middle before punting, and the defensive coaches decided not to blitz.

The result, another game lost in the last moments.

And, to add insult to injury, both games were on national TV, as they were on Sunday night and Monday night football. That means everyone in the country could see how bad the Vikings were.

If they were even bothering to watch.

At least there is one bright spot. We don’t have to be put through any agony this week. There won’t be a Vikings game to watch, as it is their bye week.

As in bye-bye Vikings.

Where do you shop? –

I overheard some folks discussing their recent shopping trips to Fairmont and Mankato. So that has spurred me to do my annual shopping at home promoting.

We are lucky to have a variety of stores in Blue Earth, from groceries to drugstores to boutiques and gift shops. From hardware to farm supplies and furniture to knick knacks. And so much more.

Have you shopped locally? I personally try and do as much as I can locally when I shop. From Juba’s and Breen’s Hardware to Blue Earth Drug and Bomgaars and all the others.

I want to support my local businesses just as much as I can.

And let’s not forget our other businesses, like some great restaurants and boutiques and specialty shops.

Do I ever shop out of town? Sure. But I try and do as absolutely much as I can locally.

Use them or lose them, is an appropriate phrase.

That goes for all towns in Faribault County. People need to support the businesses in their towns, because those businesses support the community in many ways.

So, the next time you are headed out of town and out of the county for a shopping trip, or you are ordering online, at least think about giving local businesses a shot, too.

As long as I am on a rant, let me add local organizations and groups to the list of who we need to support.

Groups like Blue Earth Valley Concert Association, Town and Country Players, Lions Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, Sertoma Clubs, community foundations, school foundations, Chambers of Commerce and, well, the list is long and diverse.

But you get the idea. It all involves being involved in, and supporting the community you live in.

Wrapping things up

So in closing, let’s just say there are many things out there that deserve and need your support.

And I guess that even includes those gosh darn Minnesota Vikings. A fan is a fan, in the best of times and the worst of times. And it can’t get much worse.