Retirement countdown … it’s not exactly what it’s cracked up to be
Every now and then I’ve written a column for the Register. In the past, it’s been a place to introduce a new employee or say goodbye to someone who was leaving. Well, this time I’m using the news space for my farewell.
Yes, I’ve finally decided to retire. The time seems right for various reasons, but it certainly wasn’t an easy decision to make. Once made, I questioned if it was the right call or not. Some may ask why I doubted it. The answer is that I truly love what I do at the Register and the newspaper business in general. I must really love it, as I’ve been working at the local newspaper basically all of my adult life. In fact, my very first day at the Blue Earth Post was May 7, 1976. The day I penned my letter of resignation was May 7, 2024. I think that is quite fitting … 48 years to the day.
Most people count down their final days until retirement. I’ve actually heard there is an app for that. Believe me, I don’t need an app. I’ve been doing a countdown of my own. Although, not for the same reasons as most do. Every day until Aug. 2, I try to get something more accomplished so I can leave things at work with as much explanation and instruction as I can.
I know I shouldn’t worry about how things will go when I leave, but I do. In my eyes, it’s kind of been ‘my baby.’ I know I’m leaving things in good hands as everyone at the Register takes ownership in our operation. Everyone here has years of experience. Everyone does their job exceptionally well. Everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to get the newspaper out on time. It literally is a team effort.
When I leave, Kristin Woodwick will be leading the team. She will take over as general manager/advertising director. The transition should go smoothly as Kristin and I have worked side-by-side for more than 17 years. She certainly became my right-hand person over the years. She will inherit a wide range of management duties, in addition to keeping up with her current job skills of marketing and design.
My appreciation goes out to our readers and advertisers for supporting the Register during my tenure. Of course, I will always be grateful to the Ogden Newspapers group for taking a chance with me when they named me to be the one in charge. The knowledge and experience I gained, with their guidance over the years, has been invaluable.
There are very few people that can honestly say they loved the job they did for their entire career … well I can. It certainly has been quite a ride.