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Public Notices for week of 7/1/13, Continued

By Staff | Jun 30, 2013

against the proposed redetermination of benefits with respect to any other matters in connection therewith. A copy of the viewers’ report can be examined at the office of the Faribault County Auditor, 415 North Main, Blue Earth MN. Reports may also be found online at www.co.faribault.mn.us. An informational meeting with the viewers will be held on July 17th at 8:30 a.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN. These meetings are held to inform landowners on how the benefits were calculated and to discuss individual concerns. Landowners and interested parties are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Dated this 28th day of June, 2013.

Faribault County Board of Commissioners acting As Drainage Authority for County Ditch #14

By John L. Thompson,

Faribault County


July 1, 8, 15 2013







In the matter of the Redetermination of Benefits of County Ditch #5 and its Improvements, Laterals and Extensions.


Notice is hereby given, that a proceeding has been commenced by the Drainage Authority of County Ditch #5 Faribault County, Minnesota, for the redetermination of benefits and damages and benefited areas and damaged areas of County Ditch #5 and its various laterals, extensions and improvements.

That the proceeding is pending.

That the viewers appointed herein have made and filed their report in the office of the Faribault County Auditor-Treasurer in Blue Earth, Minnesota.

That the following is a brief description of the lands drained by County Ditch #5 Faribault County by its main open ditch, main tile, improvements, various laterals, extensions and tile systems. Said system drains all or part of the following townships in:

Barber Township Sections 31; Blue Earth Township Sections 12; Emerald Township Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18.

That the names of the owners thereof, and municipal and other corporations affected thereby, as shown by the Viewer’s Report are as follows: Jay Alm , Donna B Bauman Life Estate Etal, Colette M & Joseph M Breiter, Dean V Clark Living Trust Agmt & Family Trust, Charles J & Yvonne Cory, Joel & Sheryl Eckhardt, Joel J Eckhardt Etal, Joel J & Sheryl Eckhardt Etal, Loren W Eckhardt & Joel Eckhardt, Adorphus & Barbara Erdahl, Barbara Erdahl Etal, James & Lisa Erdahl, Faribault Co Agr Society, Faribault County, David A & Judith D Fenske, Larry Fenske, Larry Fenske Life Estate Et Al, Gary M Franke, Irma Franke & Gene H Franke, Byron & Norma Goodrich, Shirley Ann Goodrich, Donald E & Leona Haase, Kenneth O & Catherine Haase, Paul & Virginia L Haase, Norman & Michelle Hall, Harland & Irma Franke Trust C/O I & S & G Franke Trustees, Herbert A Reko Fam Share Trust Helen Reko Etal Trustees, Joel & Melanie Humburg, Joel D Humburg & Daniel Humburg % Sherman Humburg, J-Ace Farms Inc C/O Adorphus Erdahl, Victor J Johnson, Robert Kabe, Kark Family Farms LLP C/O Farmers National Co #16477, Kathryn M Tagatz Irrevoc Trust Etal C/O Neil Tagatz, Gail E & Gary L Keck, Judith Legried (Matheson), Marvin Albert Manske, Garry E Martin , Milo D Mcgranahan, Henry Mertens Irrevoc Trust #2 Ronald & Kevin Mertens Co-Tr, Marjorie A Mertens Irrevoc Trust R S & K S Mertens Co-Trs, Dennis E Miller, Paul K More & Charles R More C/O Chuck More, Evelyn Moreland, Wesley J & Irene B Nelson, Ozatonka Acres Inc, Jeffrey & Staci Peterson, Cindy Quade, Raymond & Sharon Rauenhorst, Arlie W Sasse Life Est Etal C/O Mary Fuchs, Arlie W Sasse Life Estate & Leslie Sasse Life Estate, Leslie J Schewe, Leslie J & Joan H Schewe, Thelma L Schewe Life Estate Etal, Ronald V Schultz, Harriet J Skogen Life Estate Etal, Nancy Steinke, Joseph W & Michael O Stevermer C/O Joseph Stevermer, Rose Mary Stevermer Etal C/O Donna Stevermer P.O.A., Leroy Tagatz, Neil Tagatz, Neil M Tagatz, Winston Tagatz Life Est Etal, Randy T & Jody M Wirtjes, Faribault County Pwd Attn: John Mcdonald, Attn: Charles Cory Clerk Barber Township, Attn: Glen Perrine Clerk Emerald Township, Attn: Denise Pfaffinger Clerk Blue Earth Township, State Of Minnesota MNDOT District 7A %Shanna Kent, Ronald Mertens.

AND THAT, THEREFORE, on July 29, 2013 at 9:45 a.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN the Drainage Authority of said system shall hear and consider said viewers’ report, and all the persons interested in the redetermination of benefits are invited to appear and be heard before the Joint Drainage Authority, for and against the proposed redetermination of benefits with respect to any other matters in connection therewith. A copy of the viewers’ report can be examined at the office of the Faribault County Auditor, 415 North Main, Blue Earth MN. Reports may also be found online at www.co.faribault.mn.us.

An informational meeting with the viewers will be held on July 17th at 9:45 a.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN. These meetings are held to inform landowners on how the benefits were calculated and to discuss individual concerns. Landowners and interested parties are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Dated this 28th day of June, 2013.

Faribault County Board of Commissioners acting As Drainage Authority for County Ditch #5

By John L. Thompson,

Faribault County


July 1, 8, 15 2013






In the matter of the Redetermination of Benefits of Judicial Ditch #6 Faribault County and its Improvements, Laterals and Extensions.


Notice is hereby given, that a proceeding has been commenced by the Drainage Authority of Judicial Ditch #6 Faribault County, Minnesota, for the redetermination of benefits and damages and benefited areas and damaged areas of Judicial Ditch #6 and its various laterals, extensions and improvements.

That the proceeding is pending.

That the viewers appointed herein have made and filed their report in the office of the Faribault County Auditor-Treasurer in Blue Earth, Minnesota.

That the following is a brief description of the lands drained by Judicial Ditch #6 Faribault County by its main open ditch, main tile, improvements, various laterals, extensions and tile systems. Said system drains all or part of the following townships in:

Township of Barber Sections 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34; Township of Emerald Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.

That the names of the owners thereof, and municipal and other corporations affected thereby, as shown by the Viewer’s Report are as follows: Arnold O Ramse Trust C/O Hertz Farm Mgmt Inc, Dennis & Kay Becker, Ardella V Berndt Life Est Etal C/O Janeen Hinz, Steven M Christianson & Patty L Christianson, Lavena Cole Life Estate Etal C/O Tom Cole, Wendy Cole, Joel & Sheryl Eckhardt, Joel J Eckhardt Etal, Wayne Eiselt C/O Robert Eiselt, Linda Field Et Al, Harland & Irma Franke Trust C/O I & S & G Franke Trustees, Gary M Franke, Gene H Franke, Donald E & Leona Haase , Paul & Virginia L Haase, Harlan D & Joan C Hall, Donald Hefner, Mary Holland, Gail E & Gary L Keck, Lloyd E & Karen F Koestler, Keith & Margery Larson, John L Martin, Richard E & Carol Martin, Henry Mertens Irrevoc Trust #2 Ronald & Kevin Mertens Co-Tr, Robert A & Julette A Nowak, Phyllis Christianson Olson, Ozatonka Acres Inc, Paul D Peterson, Paul F Prescher Living Trust & Ruth F Prescher Living Trust, Charles & Corrine R Prescher, Alton Quade Life Estate Etal, Cindy Quade, Herbert A Reko Fam Share Trust Helen Reko Etal Trustees, Kayla M Richey, Arlie W Sasse Life Est Etal C/O Mary Fuchs, Daniel Schavey, Harlan & Susan M Schavey, Russell & Delores Schavey Life Estate Etal, Elaine C Schroeder, Schwartz Fam Farm Partnership %Vanette M Schwartz, Joseph W & Michael O Stevermer C/O Joseph Stevermer, Loren & Margaret Stevermer, Michael O Stevermer, Rose Mary Stevermer Etal C/O Donna Stevermer P.O.A., Thomas C Stevermer, Kathryn M Tagatz Irrevoc Trust Etal C/O Neil Tagatz, Leroy Tagatz, Neil Tagatz, Bradley & Debbie Wallace, Janet A & Robert Werner, Laron & Christine Werner, Laron & Christine Marie Werner, Laron Martin Werner & Christine M Werner, Edward & Betty Ziegler, Emerald Township, Barber Township, Faribault County Highway Department.

AND THAT, THEREFORE, on July 29, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN the Drainage Authority of said system shall hear and consider said viewers’ report, and all the persons interested in the redetermination of benefits are invited to appear and be heard before the Joint Drainage Authority, for and against the proposed redetermination of benefits with respect to any other matters in connection therewith. A copy of the viewers’ report can be examined at the office of the Faribault County Auditor, 415 North Main, Blue Earth MN. Reports may also be found online at www.co.faribault.mn.us.

An informational meeting with the viewers will be held on July 17th at 11:00 a.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN. These meetings are held to inform landowners on how the benefits were calculated and to discuss individual concerns. Landowners and interested parties are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Dated this 28th day of June, 2013.

Faribault County Board of Commissioners acting As Drainage Authority for

Judicial Ditch #6

By John L. Thompson,

Faribault County


July 1, 8, 15 2013






In the matter of the Redetermination of Benefits of County Ditch #68 and its Improvements, Laterals and Extensions.


Notice is hereby given, that a proceeding has been commenced by the Drainage Authority of County Ditch #68 Faribault County, Minnesota, for the redetermination of benefits and damages and benefited areas and damaged areas of County Ditch #68 and its various laterals, extensions and improvements.

That the proceeding is pending.

That the viewers appointed herein have made and filed their report in the office of the Faribault County Auditor-Treasurer in Blue Earth, Minnesota.

That the following is a brief description of the lands drained by County Ditch #68 Faribault County by its main open ditch, main tile, improvements, various laterals, extensions and tile systems. Said system drains all or part of the following townships in:

Barber Township Sections 25,26,35,36; Brush Creek Township Section 6; Emerald Township Section 1; Walnut Lake Township Sections 30,31

That the names of the owners thereof, and municipal and other corporations affected thereby, as shown by the Viewer’s Report are as follows: Reed Allis & Tina M Martin, Charles J & Yvonne Cory, Kerry & Angela K Doyle, Frank L Cusick Family Trust C/O John Follin Trustee, Brandon J Goodrich, Byron & Norma Goodrich, Gary Goodrich, Martin Goodrich, Sheldon M & Sharla K Goodrich, Shirley Ann Goodrich, K & S Malecha Investments, Kark Family Farms LLP C/O Farmers National Co #17533, Legred Swine Genetics Inc, Brent Legred, Darlene Legred & Thilmer M Legred Cr Shlt Trust, Margaret M Stevermer Trust & Credit Trust & Disclaimer Trst, Marjorie A Mertens Irrevoc Trust R S & K S Mertens Co-Trs, Margaret M Stevermer Trust & Credit Trust & Disclaimer Trst, Ronald V Schultz, Stevermer Pork Llc, Charles & Rebecca A Stevermer, Joseph W & Michael O Stevermer C/O Joseph Stevermer, Loren & Margaret Stevermer, Faribault County Highway Department John McDonald PW Director, Township Of Barber Charles Cory Clerk .

AND THAT, THEREFORE, on July 29, 2013 at 1:15 p.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN the Drainage Authority of said system shall hear and consider said viewers’ report, and all the persons interested in the redetermination of benefits are invited to appear and be heard before the Joint Drainage Authority, for and against the proposed redetermination of benefits with respect to any other matters in connection therewith. A copy of the viewers’ report can be examined at the office of the Faribault County Auditor, 415 North Main, Blue Earth MN. Reports may also be found online at www.co.faribault.mn.us.

An informational meeting with the viewers will be held on July 17th at 1:15 p.m. in Hamilton Hall, 202 South Main Street in Blue Earth, MN. These meetings are held to inform landowners on how the benefits were calculated and to discuss individual concerns. Landowners and interested parties are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Dated this 28th day of June, 2013.

Faribault County Board of Commissioners acting As Drainage Authority for County Ditch #68

By John L. Thompson,

Faribault County


July 1, 8, 15 2013






JUNE 4, 2013

1. All members were present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

2. Approved synopsis and official proceedings of May 21, 2013.

3. Approved agenda of June 4, 2013.

4. Appointed Commissioner Warmka to the Minnesota Department of Commerce advisory task force.

5. Referred request from B. Zimmer for reimbursement on driver refresher course in Blue Earth to the Transit Committee for additional information and review.

6. Approved funding correction agents visiting various facilities currently providing services for juveniles.

7. Approved subordination for an SSTS loan to Rob and Denise Wolf on Loan #333362 to First Bank of Blue Earth.

8. Approved a 5-year lease of 686 square feet of office space in the Law Enforcement Center to the State of Minnesota, Department of Administration, acting for the benefit of the Department of Corrections from August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2018 for $1,100 per month for adult probation.

9. Motion to add a 50 ton fluid cooler to the geothermal heating system was withdrawn.

10. Approved Resolution 13-RB06-17 agreeing to State Transportation Fund (Bridge Bonds) grant terms and conditions on a $59,362.72 grant for construction of Bridge No. 22616. Commissioners Groskreutz, Loveall, Roper, Warmka, and Young voted yes.

11. Set June 20, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. as deadline for bids for bituminous projects.

12. Set June 27, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. as the deadline for bids for the replacement of Bridge #89204 in Brush Creek Township. Commissioner Warmka voted no.

13. Approved the purchase of building and lot in Block 33 of Blue Earth City from Watonwan Farm Services. 14. Approved payment bills totaling $254,726.01.

Discussion was held concerning the following:

1. A. Hanson and K. Campbell met regarding court services business.

2. L. Bosma met regarding SSTS business.

3. M. Gormley and S. Adams met regarding sheriff business.

4. J. McDonald met regarding public works business.

Complete minutes are on file in the Central Services Office.

The meeting was recessed to Drainage Authority meeting.

Greg Young, Chairman

John Thompson, Auditor/


July 1, 2013



Deadline for Public Notices is Tuesday at 12:00 Noon for the next Mondays issue. Due to July 4th Holiday this is an early deadline. All legal copy should be delivered to the office by noon Tuesday to insure its publication.

If you need to place a public notice legal please email your legal to ptrue@faribaultcountyregister.com or fcnews@bevcomm.net

Or mail notice to: Faribault County Register, PO Box 98, 125 North Main Street, Blue Earth, MN or fax to 507-526-4080. Thank you.


Faribault County Register Hours:

Mon.-Wed. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fri. 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Office closed Thurs., July 4th
