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Public notices for the week of November 19, 2023

By Staff | Nov 19, 2023

Faribault County, MN

County Project

BIDS CLOSE: November 30, 2023 at 10:00 AM CST


NOTICE is hereby given that SEALED BIDS will be received at until 10:00 AM on Thursday, November 30, 2023 by Amy Sathoff, County Auditor/Treasurer of Faribault County, at the Faribault County Courthouse, 415 North Main St., Blue Earth, Minnesota, 56013, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of said county for the following project. Bids will be opened and read publicly in the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Blue Earth immediately after the hour set for receiving bids. Any bids received after said hour will be returned to the bidder unopened. Any bid received without a certified check or bid bond will be returned without being read or considered.

PROJECT NO. SAP 022-601-026 SAP 022-602-029


CSAH 2 over Brush Creek

TYPE OF WORK: Replace Bridge 9967 with Bridge 22J63

Replace Bridge 98204 with Bridge 22J62

LENGTH: 0.04 miles each

The major items of work are approximately:











Proposals, and Plans may be obtained online or at the Faribault County Public Works, 727 East 5th Street, Blue Earth, MN 56013. Phone (507) 526-4288.

Online (No Charge): https://mn-co-faribault.app.rtvision.com/oneoffice/bidding

Hard Copy Charge: $35.00

Bids must be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond made payable to the Treasurer of Faribault County for at least 5% of the amount bid.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof.

Mark A. Daly, PE

Faribault County

Director/County Engineer

November 6, 13, 20, 2023







Court File No. 22-PR-23-615

Estate of

Daniel Mark Driscoll,

aka Dan Driscoll,





It is Ordered and Notice is given that on December 19, 2023, at 10:30 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at 415 North Main Street Blue Earth, Minnesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, January 11, 1991, (“Will”), and for the appointment of Cynthia K. Driscoll, whose address is 39276 110th Street, Blue Earth, MN, 56013 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate.

Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.


Dated: 11/09/2023

Troy G. Timmerman

Judge of District Court

Kelly Iverson

Court Administrator

Attorney for Petitioner

Daniel L. Lundquist


117 West 5th Street

PO Box 95

Blue Earth, MN, 56013

Attorney License No: 0348168

Telephone: (507) 526-2177

FAX: (507) 526-4477



November 20, 27, 2023


I.S.D. #2860

Blue Earth Area School Board Minutes

October 9th, 2023

A Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Education of Blue Earth Area, I.S.D. #2860 was held on Monday, October 9th, 2023 at 6:00 pm. Members of the public interested in monitoring the Board Meeting from a remote location made use of the following link: https://www.beaschools.org/page/live-stream

Board Members were present in person for the regular board meeting at the meeting location: Blue Earth Area High School Media Center 1125 Highway 169 N Blue Earth, MN 56013. Superintendent Fletcher was absent.

Members present: S Hauskins, S. Beyer, J. Eckles, L. Mensing, T. Armon, M. Franta, K. Zierke and Student Representative L. Becker.

October 9th, 2023

6:00 pm

Routine Items

I. Call to Order: Chairperson Hauskins called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

II. Pledge of Allegiance:

III. Approve Agenda:

1. A motion was made by Member Franta and seconded by Member Armon to add an item to the agenda regarding video recordings of the board meetings being saved for longer than 90 days. A brief discussion was had regarding current processes. A vote was held, but failed 1-6.

2. Member Franta made a motion to add an agenda item regarding the students at Genesis Academy students be considered to participate in extracurricular activities at BEAS. Member Armon made a point of order that the Activities Committee is meeting this week and has this on the agenda to discuss. Motion failed due to no second.

3. Member Franta made a motion to add an MCA testing discussion to the agenda. Motion failed due to no second.

On an Armon/Zierke motion. Agenda Approved 6-1.

IV. Public Input: None

V. Approve Minutes: On a Zierke/Eckles motion. A change of adding to Correspondence to the minutes Approved 7-0

VI. Approve Payment of Bills and Wire Transfers: On a Mensing/Eckles motion. Approved 7-0

VII. District Reports:

A. Q Comp Coordinator – Brenda Smith gave an update on changes to the Q Comp Plan going from 3 cycles to 2. The DLT does not need to oversee Q Comp Plan due to there being an Oversite Committee. Changes were approved by MDE.

VIII. Chairperson’s Report: MSBA conference is coming up in January and members need to notify Superintendent Fletcher or Janie Hammer if they are attending.

IX. Superintendent’s Report: Principal Dressler addressed the board due to Superintendent Fletchers absence.

A. Enrollment Report – Oct. 1, 2023 reported enrollment is 1,041. Year 2022 was 1,043.

B. Free/Reduced Lunch Numbers for 2023-2024 – Currently the district is at 50.7% of the headcount that qualify.

C. Southern Plains/New Legislation – A detailed explanation was given on the resolution on the agenda tonight to be approved for Southern Plains Cooperative.

X. Committee Reports:

A. BEA School Foundation – Member Beyer updated the board on the meeting held on Wed, Sept 27th. The Foundation approved 10 requests submitted by staff for activities/projects within the district and totaled $26,300. Also discussed was the upcoming Maroon and Gold Gala to be held on Saturday, November 18th. The theme this year is “The 90’s”.

B. DAT – Member Eckles gave an update on the last meeting held on Wednesday, October 4th. One items discussed was the Kindness Retreat for our students.

C. Negotiations – Member Armon gave an update that a tentative agreement was reached with the Bargaining Unit at the last meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 4th.

D. Facilities/Finance – Chairperson Hauskins updated the board on the Community Task Force meeting that was held on Wednesday Oct. 4th. The topic was the outcome of the surveys that were completed by the public. The group is to reconvene at a later date to continue discussions.

E. Q Comp Oversite – Member Fanta updated the Board on the last meeting. All committee positions are filled.

XI. Principal’s Report:

Dressler gave an update on the Elementary and Middle School. Picture day was held on Oct 3rd. Retakes will be scheduled at a later date. Safety drills continue and ALICE Lockdown drills are coming soon and parents will be notified of when the Lockdown drills are being held. Unity day is coming on Oct 18th. It is a devoted to Anti Bullying and students are to wear Orange. Fall break is the 19th and 20th of October and there will be no school those days.

Sturtz – Gave an update and talked about the Bus, Biking and Walking Safety week for grades K-7. Thank you to LeAnne Scholl and School Resource Officer Meyer for their help. Crosswalk Patrol has been formed from 5th Graders who will patrol the crosswalks before and after school. Family Reading night is being held on Tuesday, October 10th from 5:30 pm to 7 pm. Thank you to Brenda Millman for her assistance with Family Reading night.

Shaffer updated the Board on Conferences held at the High School last week. Attendance for conferences was 261 done in person and 63 online. The 9th Grade Respect Retreat was held for students. The Big Ideas trailer was onsite for students the week of October 2nd. Also a thank you to Brenda Millman for her help scheduling the trailer. Safety drills also being held at the High School. A dyslexia class is being offered to 8th graders.

XII. Director of Curriculum/Instruction Report: Principal Shaffer gave the update as Schmidt is absent from the meeting. NWEA testing window is closing October 18th. Elementary Math is focusing on the 5 core structures. Classroom walkthroughs while teaching Math have been completed. Ongoing K5 Math training will be provided during PD time on early dismissal Wednesdays.

Action Items

XIII. Accept donation from Blue Earth Welcoming for translation devices: On a Beyer/Mensing motion. Approved 7-0

XIV. Approve MSHSL Form A Grant to Offset Student Activity Fees: On an Armon/Zierke motion. Approved 7-0. Roll Call Vote: Mensing – Yes, Eckles – Yes, Zierke – Yes, Franta – Yes, Beyer – Yes, Hauskins – Yes, Armon – Yes

XV. Approve resolution to allow Southern Plains Education Cooperative to bill all member districts equally for expenses incurred with Student Support Personnel Aid: On an Eckles/Mensing motion. Approved 7-0. Roll Call Vote: Mensing – Yes, Eckles – Yes, Zierke – Yes, Franta – Yes, Beyer – Yes, Hauskins – Yes, Armon – Yes

XVI. Personnel: On a Zierke/Beyer motion. Approved 7-0

Resignations: Rhama Starrett – Paraprofessional, October 16, 2023

New Hires: Katie Welsh – Paraprofessional, October 23, 2023

Leave of Absence: Sam Jahnke -Maternity January 2nd to March 22nd, 2024

Approve Lane Change: Brittany Eckhardt- MA to MA+14

Routine Items

XVII. Correspondence: None

XVIII. Other: Shared feedback from prior staff

XIX. Adjourn: On an Armon/Zierke motion, Chairperson Hauskins adjourned the meeting at 6:57 pm. Approved 7-0

November 20, 2023



There will be an early deadline for the November 27 issue. All public notices need to be submitted by Noon on Tuesday, November 21 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Normal Deadline for Public Notices is Wednesday at 12:00 Noon for the next Mondays issue. All legal copy should be delivered to the office by noon to insure its publication.

To place a public notice legal please email your legal to ptrue@faribaultcountyregister.com

or fcnews@bevcomm.net

Or mail notice to: Faribault County Register, PO Box 98, 125 North Main Street, Blue Earth, MN 56013. Thank you.


Faribault County Register

Office Hours:


8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Closed Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23