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BEA takes 1st at tourney

By Staff | Feb 14, 2009

Blue Earth Area took first or second place in 10 of the 14 weight classes to dominate the six-team field at the Martin County West Invitational held Feb. 7.

BEA tallied 200.5 points to win the team title, followed by the MCW Mavericks with 150. Finishing third was Worthington/Round Lake-Brewster with 145 points, followed by Pipestone Area (130), Redwood Valley (78) and Fairmont (71.5).

The Bucs Mat Willner remained undefeated at 215 pounds, improving his season record to 31-0. Heavyweight Jake Lee also posted a 3-0 record for the day and improved his season mark to 30-1.

The two other champions for BEA were Jake Wirtjes at 112 pounds and Bryce Werner at 135.

Taking second were Travis Hagedorn (103), Joe Franta (125), Carter Hanson (130), Dan Eckhardt (152), Cody Eckhardt (160) and Taylor Andrews (189).

Individual results:

103: Travis Hagedorn (BEA) bye; Hagedorn maj. dec. Brady Bos (Pipestone), 11-1; Jared Kinley (Worthington) pinned Hagedorn, :44 for first place.

112: Jake Wirtjes (BEA) bye; Wirtjes pinned Jacob Clarke (Worthington), 1:17; Wirtjes dec. John Bush (Pipestone), 7-1 for first place.

119: D.J. Gronewald (BEA) pinned Adam Griese (MCW), 5:22; Dre Arrredondo (Redwood Valley) dec. Gronewald, 5-2; Gronewald tech fall Spenser Meadows (Fairmont), 5:51; Gronewald pinned Griese (MCW), 4:32 for third place.

125: Joe Franta (BEA) bye; Franta maj. dec Joe Kinley (Worthington), 13-4; Alex Anderson (MCW) dec. Franta, 7-4 for first place.

130: Carter Hanson (BEA) pinned Ryan Meissen (Pipestone), :31; Hanson maj. dec. Sam Edwards (Redwood Valley), 12-2; Eric Lease (Worthington) pinned Hanson, 5:25 for first place.

135: Bryce Werner (BEA) bye; Werner pinned Ethan Peterson (Worthington), 1:11; Werner maj. dec.Travis Gewerth (R-V), 10-1 for first place.

140: Nathan Dubbelde (Pipestone) dec. Collin Nienhaus (BEA), 5-1; Nienhaus pinned Junior Nguyen (Worthington), 1:24; Levi Ringnell (MCW) maj. dec. Nienhaus, 11-2; Nienhaus takes third.

145: Bryan Andrews (MCW) maj. dec. Matt Dulas (BEA), 11-3; Dayton Williamson (Worthington) dec. Dulas, 6-3.

152: Dan Eckhardt (BEA) bye; Eckhardt pinned Lance Brolsma (MCW), :56; Tony Thier (Worthington) dec. Eckhardt, 2-0 for first place.

160: Cody Eckhardt (BEA) bye; Eckhardt dec. Nich Dorschner (MCW), 15-13; Brandan Alfson (Pipestone) dec. Eckhardt, 11-6 for first place.

171: Cody Klinksiek (BEA) bye; Tyler Evens (Pipestone) pinned Klinksiek, 3:48; Cam Hanson (MCW) dec. Klinksiek, 10-5.

189: Taylor Andrews (BEA) pinned Brandon Riemersma (Worthington), 1:20; Andrews dec. Dylan Kor (Pipestone), 4-0; Brian Anderson (R-V) maj. dec. Andrews, for first place.

215: Mat Willner (BEA) bye; Willner forfeit; Willner pinned Brennan Hagert (R-V), 1:05 for first place.

285: Jake Lee (BEA) pinned Garritt Thomssen (Pipestone), :32; Lee dec. Blake Crosby (MCW), 6-0; Lee dec. Scott Hines (Fairmont), 3-2. Lee takes first place.