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Win state free throw contest

By Staff | Apr 6, 2009

Colin Squiers, 11, and Luke Monson, 13, recently participated in the Knights of Columbus State Free Throw Championships in Bloomington on March 28. Both shooters captured first place overall in their age divisions and were crowned State Free Throw Champion in their respective age class.

In order to participate at the state level, the two placed first in their local, district, and regional competition. Colin and Luke won the local contest in Blue Earth, the district contest in Wells, and the regional contest in New Ulm, while competing against other shooters from area grade schools.

Last year about 5,000 girls and boys competed in over 200 local contests. This year over 8,000 participants participated in all areas of Minnesota. To be crowned State Champion is truly an honor for these two young BEA athletes.

Colin is a fifth grade student at BEA Elementary and his parents are Mike and Tobi Squiers of Blue Earth. Luke is a seventh grade student at BEA and his parents are Erik and Susie Monson of Bricelyn.