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Spring weather puts sports on hold

By Staff | Apr 28, 2013

Strike three, you’re out!

These immortal words have not passed the lips of school umpires lately. Weather conditions have prevented most sporting events from taking place this spring.

The snow, rain and ice have kept Rob Norman, Blue Earth Area activities director, busy this April.

During a “normal” spring in southern Minnesota, there are often postponements and cancellations due to weather. But this year, the showers have been snow instead of rain.

And, freezing temperatures keep the students from practicing and playing outside.

Norman admits that only three days of competition have taken place so far this season.

Last year, for the month of April, only one date April 19 had a postponement.

“I’m sure the students are tired of being inside,” says Norman. “Golf has been outside once on their makeshift driving range at the school.”

Norman, who has been the athletic director for 17 years, says, “This spring is by far the worst I’ve seen.”

This, compared to last year’s record-breaking temperatures.

“Last spring was the easiest,” says Norman. “But, I?always say it’s lucky we don’t live up north.”

Some northern Minnesota schools have not had a chance to compete at all due to several inches of snow still blanketing their fields.

Norman says the sport that feels it the worst is probably track and field.

“Track is hard to postpone because you can’t schedule one right after the other on the same day like you can with baseball, softball, tennis and even golf,” he says.

For the most part, Norman has tried to postpone games instead of canceling them.

“We want to get conference games in,” he says. “I’ve had to cancel a few middle school games because there just aren’t enough fields available.” Norman’s scheduling book has red ink covering it like a tattoo. All of the changes made to the original schedule are made in red.

Always looking for a silver lining, Norman admits, “It’s been easier to postpone games this season than it usually is.”

That is because the weather fronts have been visible within a few days, giving Norman a chance to make the decision before the afternoon of a game.

He says that usually a rained out game won’t be called until the last minute because it’s hard to tell if a storm will split before reaching the area or how severe it will be.

With warmer weather on the horizon, there is still hope for spring sports.

Check the school website for updates in the schedule.